Landmark Park welcomes volunteer Kate Kirkland as a guest blogger to share some of her experiences.
Hi! My name is Kate Kirkland and I am a volunteer at Landmark Park. I have been volunteering since 2004.
One of the first tasks I was given when I started volunteering was to help demonstrate washing clothes the old fashioned way. In the 1890s, women would build a fire and bring water almost to a boil. Then, the clothes would go into the massive cast iron kettle with lye soap. To get all the stains out of the clothes, I would move the clothes to a wooden stump and start to beat them with a stick, the same stick that was used to stir the pot. One gentlemen commented that I must have been mad at my brother that day because I was beating the clothes so hard! If the stains did not come out, I would put them back in the hot water. In my opinion, washing with lye soap was hard because it felt so greasy to me.
After the washing demonstration and a few other volunteering experiences, I feel like I have found my calling. I enjoy playing my violin with the Landmark Dulcimer club. They so graciously allow me to play with them, even though I am not a concert violinist by any stretch of the imagination. The dulcimer club has a Jam Session every first Saturday of every month at 1 p.m. in the Interpretive Center Classroom. I try to go as much as I can! The session is for both inexperienced and experienced dulcimer players (or in my case, violin players). The dulcimer is a stringed American folk instrument and the club performs during some of the special events at Landmark Park, including Spring Farm Day, Victorian Christmas and Wiregrass Heritage Festival.
To join the volunteer experience at Landmark Park, call 334-794-3452. Not only does the park depend on volunteers, you may just learn something new while you're there!